Fidelis Care is the business name for the New York State Catholic Health Plan, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) managed care organization for members who receive health insurance from Medicaid, Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus, Family Health Plus Employer Buy-in, and some categories of Medicare.
Leveraging Coverage Through "Employer Partnerships For Family Health Plus"
Expanding Health Care Coverage
December 18, 2008
This grant was one of five organizations that received a planning grant from the 2008 NYHealth request for proposals (RFP), “Expanding Coverage Options in the Small Group and Individual Market in New York State.” The RFP grew directly out of the Foundation’s desire to generate ideas for expanding health insurance options for small businesses and sole proprietors.
Read an NYHealth special report that contains a summary of findings from this RFP.
Improving the state of New York's health.
New York Health Foundation
1385 Broadway, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10018
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