The instructor course will let you know the point percentage or total point thresholds will earn which grades in their course. This information is usually included in the syallabus.
The faculty rule on grades and marks describes a variety of grades beyond the standard letter grades of A - E (notice that Ohio State does not offer the grades of A+, D-, or F). For example, an EN grade is a failing grade that reports when a student didn't complete the class because they stopped attending at some point during the term. You earn no credit or GPA points for either an E or an EN, but the credit hours attempted are calculated into your grade-point average. If you need to stop attending a course, please contact your advisor for information on appropriate action.
You can earn course credit with qualifying scores on tests, such as AP, IB, and CLEP.
You can also earn credit through exams offered through the Testing Center (585 SAS Building) or the department offering a particular course. Students may also arrange with departments and faculty members to test for credit in courses that are not listed, if the department thinks it appropriate. The department that offers the credit determines the score you will need to to earn credit for a course (e.g. - the Psychology department makes score decisions for PSYCH classes). Make sure you know the minimum score you will need before the test.
If an emergency prevents you from finishing a course, you may request an "Incomplete" from the instructor.
If the instructor agrees, you should arrange to complete the course requirements no later than the sixth week of the following term - sooner, if the instructor will need it sooner. If the work is not made up by the due date, the "I" mark will be changed to a the grade that you would have earned before the "I" was assigned.
If you plan to take the next course in a sequence and you have arranged an incomplete in the previous course, you will not be allowed to enroll until the "I" is changed to a grade that meets the minimum requirement for the next sequenced class.
Some students are eligible to take up to 20 credit hours of electives using the pass/non-pass (PA/NP) grading option. In courses graded PA/NP, you will either earn credit hours for a mark of PA or no credit for a mark of NP. Neither mark is included in your GPA.
Instructors decide what score you must obtain to earn a PA mark; make sure you know what score you need to pass.
See your advisor early in the semester to discuss whether this is an appropriate option for you, since this decision should be made by the date to withdraw without a W.
This emergency grade option recognizes when exceptional circumstances may impact students' academic performance (such as a global health crisis or natural disaster). When the PE grade scheme is activated by the university, D+ or D grades will automatically change to PE for undergraduate students, and E will be automatically changed to NP. PE and NP marks do not impact your GPA, but you will still earn credit hours for PE marks (no credit hours are earned for NP).
Students may choose to have the PE grade returned to the standard A-E grade scheme must request it before the end of the 2nd semester (or summer) after the grade was earned, but prior to graduation and the reversion is permanent.
You can audit a course to refresh your memory of the material (in a course you have already taken) or to learn more about a subject without earning a letter grade. Fees are applied for auditing a course, but no credit hours are earned.
To audit a course you must obtain permission from the instructor and your college (through your academic advisor). See your advisor early in the semester to discuss whether this is an appropriate option for you, since this decision should be made by the date to withdraw without a W.
In most cases, you may not audit a course and later repeat it for credit.
This is a grading basis chosen by the department teaching the course, not a grading option chosen by the student.
In courses with an S/U grading basis, you will earn credit hours for a mark of S, no credit for a mark of U. Neither mark will be counted in your GPA. Instructors decide what score you must obtain to earn the S mark; make sure you know what score you need to satisfactorily meet the objectives of the class.
Courses dropped after the deadline for "Dropping without a W" (typically the 4th Friday of a full semester) will receive a mark of W. If you are planning on dropping a course, be aware the date for dropping without a W.