Take the PSAT (practice SAT) in October. It is only given once a year. It provides feedback to students regarding strengths and weaknesses in both Language Arts and Math. It also provides students with free services that they can use on the College Board website. Some 9th graders who are accelerated in Science might consider taking the SAT II Subject Test in June. Consult with your high school counselor regarding this decision.
As previously mentioned, the PSAT in October is a great practice and preparatory test. Now students are compared to other 10th Graders across the country. The College Board website has many tools to interpret results and feedback regarding strengths and weaknesses. Some 10th graders might consider taking the SAT II Subject test in Science…again, consult with your high school counselor.
It is highly recommended that juniors take the PSAT in the fall of their 11th grade year. The test will compare you to 11th graders across the country—in other words, the students with whom you will be compared during the college application process. Also, 11th graders are automatically put in the running for some national scholarship programs which include the National Merit Scholarship competition. In the spring of 11th grade, we recommend that students first try the actual SAT I Reasoning test. Based on the results, you can decide to take it again in the fall of your senior year.
Students have the opportunity to take the SAT in October, November, May and June if there is a need to improve scores. Scores will be reported to colleges on their transcripts as long as the Guidance Office gets a copy of their scores by coding in KHS when registering for the test.
Any student eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch will be eligible to take the SAT/ACT for free (there are restrictions regarding the number of times they are allowed to take it for free).
See your counselor for a fee waiver. Students should make every effort to apply by the first deadline…late fees will be charged after this date.
To email an employee, use the
email listed, followed by @kingstoncityschools.org
Grade 9 Team
Lindsay Hulbert
School Counselor
Email: lhulbert
Andrea Tresaloni
School Counselor
Email: atresaloni
Patricia Wolff
Grade 10 Team
Kelly Leprohon
School Counselor
Email: kleprohon
Michelle Drewnowski
School Counselor
Email: mdrewnowski
Tara Rogerson
Grade 11 Team
Joanna Lacy
School Counselor
Email: jlacy
Scott Ricketson
School Counselor
Email: sricketson
Pamela Pece
Grade 12 Team
Alan Aidala
School Counselor
Email: aaidala
Karen Madonna
School Counselor
Email: kmadonna
Angela Cecelia
403 Broadway
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: 845.943.3970
Fax: 845.331.1628
KHS CEEB Code: 332705